Ten years ago, I ventured off on my own, fulfilling a lifelong dream to be self-employed. I grew up in a classic combined Irish/Italian extended family where many of the people were self-employed artisans of some sort. Being married with relatively young children seemed like the opportune time to take that risk (NOT) and, of course, the economy was certainly cooperating in late 2007 and early 2008 (also NOT). However, I felt strongly that if I didn’t make that leap, at that time, I never would and therefore leave that part of my career ambition unfulfilled.
As crazy as the move seemed at the time, I took the plunge because of an overwhelming desire to serve. More specifically, serve those who were experiencing career dilemmas. You see, in some sense, I was returning to my roots, having stated my professional life as a bona fide career counselor at the college level. Despite all the challenges, many people contributed to the birth and success of this enterprise, putting in substantial time and effort, as much a labor of love as anything else, to make it happen. It seems impossible to appropriately thank you all but consider yourselves thanked (and I reserved a spot in heaven for each of you!).
And so, here we are, a decade later and still loving the work, the clients and the feeling that we are making a difference. At the close of each and every day, the ETS team feels as though we helped, even is some small way, the people of Connecticut (and elsewhere) and, at the same time, the Connecticut economy.
I feel that the ETS team, including our partners and collaborators who make up the extended ETS family, are multipliers. Not only are we successful businesses contributing to the economy, we are also helping other businesses and individuals achieve their success. The multiplier effect, or as Darren Hardy calls, The Compound Effect (that’s the title of his book and it’s a good one).
Join us in celebrating 10 years in business, our 10-year romance with our clients and partners. We wouldn’t be here without you. It’s a special time for us and we want to share it with you.