Par for the Course 

There is a simple but highly effective formula I learned while working in the outplacement business. This simple formula has served me well in thinking through problems and issues, formulating goals and objectives and determining appropriate measures and metrics for...

Duck Tape 

One of my favorite all purpose learning tools especially on the topics of attitude, customer service and making an impact is an obscure audiotape by bestselling author and motivational speaker Dr. Wayne Dyer. Although it’s entitled “Choosing Your Own...

Creativity and Career Counseling

Creativity seems to be a capacity that individuals possess in varying degrees. When creativity is broadly defined, we see that every person exercises creativity in their lives. Career counseling should help an individual identify the source and direction of his or her...

Critical Reviews 

An article appeared recently in The Hartford Courant (September 18, 2007) that probably went relatively unnoticed and yet covered a very important, if not profound, shift in thinking. It had to do with performance reviews and what employers can say about people. As...

Setting Performance Goals 

One of the most widely researched topics in the field of personal achievement is goal setting. Numerous studies over many years have substantiated that setting goals, particularly writing out goals, is the first and arguably the most important step to personal success...